Birte L. Nielsen
- Senior Vice-President (2017-2019)
- President (2015-2017)
- Junior Vice-President (2013-2015)
Since 2010, Birte L Nielsen has worked at the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA) in France. Until now, she has been a member of a neurobiology unit specializing in olfaction, studying the behavioural responses of rats to different smells, with emphasis on biologically relevant odours, such as those associated with sex or with predators. In 2018, she will shift her focus to feeding behaviour in ruminants, with a view to become associated with another INRA unit working on modelling of ruminant behaviour and physiology. Birte has previously been in charge of the research unit for Behaviour and Stress Biology at Aarhus University, Denmark, where she worked for 12 years, mainly on poultry behaviour. Before that, she spent 8 years in Edinburgh, Scotland, completing a PhD on pig feeding behaviour and working as a post doc on metabolic stress in dairy cows. Birte has in-depth experience in experimental behaviour science on rats, growing pigs, dairy cows, broiler chickens and broiler breeders, and has been actively involved in work on horses, sows, laying hens and even ostriches. She is currently a member of the Animal Welfare working group at Anses, which is the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety.