The Official Journal of the ISAE

Applied Animal Behaviour Science, published by Elsevier, is the official journal of the ISAE. Only members of ISAE are eligible to receive a personal subscription to Applied Animal Behaviour Science. Please note: ISAE members have 20% discount on the Gold Open Access article processing charge (APC)!

Click below to learn more about the journal and how to subscribe.

Special issue of the 2023 ISAE International Congress

This year’s ISAE Special Issue invites contributions from all ISAE members for manuscripts related to the theme of the 56th International ISAE Congress, “One Ethology, understanding animal behaviour to improve the lives of animals, humans and society”.

Animals fill many integral roles in society. By understanding their behaviour, we can have more accurate insight into their needs, more effective monitoring and management, optimised welfare, and improved benefits of animal use.

You are invited to submit your manuscript at any time before the submission deadline 30 November 2023.

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Apply for Membership

There are nearly 700 members worldwide and each year the Society assembles for a major International Congress, where in addition to addresses by special keynote speakers, members present their latest research findings. There are also regular regional conferences held to encourage local knowledge exchange.

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