Event Details

PhD course on animal pain

15th Jan 2024 - 19th Jan 2024

Aarhus and Copenhagen Universities, Denmark

The course is based on presentations and lectures by internationally recognized pain researchers and practitioners combined with participants presenting relevant parts of their PhD projects. Furthermore, the course involves a combination of group work (discussions of classic aspects of pain biology and its interpretation) and plenary discussions. The course covers the following topics: Pain definition and terminology, Introduction to pain physiology, Neurobiological basis of pain and nociception across animal groups, Behavioural pain assessment, Consequences of pain in terms of animal welfare, The psychology of pain, Introduction to pain relief. The final part of the course constitutes written answers to questions from class-mates.

The volume of the course is 5 ECTS and it is based on a 5 day stay in Lyngby, Denmark.

The course welcomes PhD-students, master students and others working professionally with topics related to animal pain – for example animal welfare science, veterinary science, agricultural and biomedical sciences, including animal model studies, experimentation, zoo and conservation biology.

The course, practical details, and information on how to sign up can be found here https://projects.au.dk/animal-pain

The organisers Björn Forkman and Mette S Herskin look forward to welcome participants and the impressive list of teachers: Catherine Williams (Aarhus University), Claudia Spadavecchia (University of Bern), Katja Wiech (University of Oxford), Klas Abelson (University of Copenhagen), Ida Thöfner (University of Copenhagen) and Mathilde Coutant (Aarhus University).  


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