Event Details

ISAE South West Europe Regional Meeting 2022

14th Jul 2022 - 15th Jul 2022

On behalf of the Red CIBA (Spanish Animal Welfare Research Network) and the International Society for Applied Ethology Southwest Europe Region (ISAE - SWE), we are delighted to invite you to the marvellous city of Barcelona, for attending to the 1st Scientific Joint Meeting of Red CIBA-ISAE SWE, which will be held from July 14th to 15th 2022 on the campus of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).

Animal welfare is a crucial element to consider when managing and caring animals. The current scientific meeting is covering several subject areas, including lab, companion, farm, and wild animals, fish and cephalopods, and animal welfare education. Barcelona, a vibrant harbour since the Roman period, is a perfect hub to bring researchers from the Mediterranean region altogether to create a meaningful dialogue and advance the knowledge related to the field of animal welfare.

Situated on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the city of Barcelona has been one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe and was recently awarded as the best city in the world according to Telegraph Travel. With its rich cultural heritage, excellent gastronomy, and heart-warming people, we welcome you with open arms to the Scientific Meeting of Red CIBA-ISAE SWE. We ambition the creation of a scientific meeting where excellence and rigor merge, with a nice and comfortable environment to promote connection and networking among animal welfare researchers.

We look forward to celebrating this exciting event with you in Barcelona this summer.

“Sharing, connecting and weaving south west Europe research in animal welfare”

Regional meeting 2022




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