Terms and Conditions

1.    Refund and Cancellation Terms


The annual membership fee is due on the 1st of June each year, but you may join at any time. Membership is non-refundable. To discontinue your membership, please contact the Membership Secretary at least one month before the renewal date.

Applied Animal Behaviour Science

ISAE arranges subscriptions to Applied Animal Behaviour Science for both electronic and printed versions at a reduced rate for members. Refund and cancellation terms for the journal subscription are prescribed by Elsevier. The subscription year for the journal runs from June to May. Elsevier does not offer part-of-a-year subscription for members who join later than June, however, back-dated copies of the printed version can be sent to complete the subscription year. This does not apply for the electronic version, and new subscribers must pay the full price for the year regardless of which month subscription is initiated. Full terms can be found on the Elsevier website (www.elsevier.com).

2. The Currency of Transactions Accepted

The membership fee is in British pounds sterling (GBP). Members outside the UK paying using the online system or via bank transfer will be charged the equivalent in their own currency.

Members are charged by ISAE for subscription to Applied Animal Behaviour Science in GBP. However, Elsevier charges ISAE in Euros, so the price of the journal is subject to minor fluctuations to adjust for any difference in the exchange rate. 

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There are nearly 700 members worldwide and each year the Society assembles for a major International Congress, where in addition to addresses by special keynote speakers, members present their latest research findings. There are also regular regional conferences held to encourage local knowledge exchange.

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