South West Europe Region

The South West Europe Region of the ISAE includes France, Italy, Portugal and Spain.

About your Regional Secretaries


Research and education programs

Visit the following web page if you want to know more about a European Project on Welfare in an Enlarged Europe:


Below, you can find information about more research and education resources specific to the South West Europe region of the ISAE.


Previous Regional Conferences

South West Europe Regional Meeting 2022

The first SWE ISAE – Red CIBA joint meeting was finally a reality the 14-15th of July, in Barcelona. Great opportunity for sharing, connecting and weaving west European research in Animal Welfare. Here you have the proceedings of the meeting!


Book of abstracts

Apply for Membership

There are nearly 700 members worldwide and each year the Society assembles for a major International Congress, where in addition to addresses by special keynote speakers, members present their latest research findings. There are also regular regional conferences held to encourage local knowledge exchange.

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ISAE Regions