

Regional Secretary

Dr. Karen Thodberg ()

Aarhus University

Dr. Per Peetz Nielsen ()

RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden)

Upcoming Regional Meeting 2024

The Ethology and Animal Welfare group at Faculty of Biosciences (NMBU) is pleased to welcome you to the Nordic ISAE meeting 2024.

The Nordic ISAE meeting is arranged every second year. Come and share your latest findings on applied ethology and animal welfare! For PhD students, postdocs, and students with a completed Master project, this is a great opportunity to gain experience presenting results at a friendly international conference.

The meeting is organised by Marko Ocepek, Inger Lise Andersen, Judit Vas and their colleagues at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Aas.   The meeting will have three main themes, plus a free-topic session: 1. Social dynamics and communication 2. Positive welfare 3. Automation – Digital tools used for studying behaviour and welfare 4. Free topics   The day after the ISAE meeting - on the 8th of February  -  there will be a 1-day workshop about welfare indicators in salmon that you can join free of charge.

We invite you to submit an abstract (in English, maximum 400 words, including results) by 10th December.


Facebook for the Nordic Region

We have a Facebook page for the Nordic Region where all members can post info about PhD courses, conferences in related fields, workshops and seminars. You can also raise questions for a discussion. Please use it as much as possible for our communication in the Nordic-Baltic area.  

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To learn more about past regional meetings and activites in the Nordic region, follow the link below:

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Apply for Membership

There are nearly 700 members worldwide and each year the Society assembles for a major International Congress, where in addition to addresses by special keynote speakers, members present their latest research findings. There are also regular regional conferences held to encourage local knowledge exchange.

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ISAE Regions