ISAE Mission Statement
ISAE provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of advances in applied animal behaviour science and education, and inspires further innovations through an annual international scientific congress and regional meetings. Applied Animal Behaviour Science is the official journal of ISAE
The study of applied animal behaviour contributes to a greater understanding of the interactions between humans and other animals and helps to create a better balance between animal welfare and the requirements that humans have of other animals
ISAE members work on a wide variety of animal species and topics: e.g. the management and welfare of livestock; the interactions between humans and companion animals; the impacts of housing on the behaviour and welfare of zoo and laboratory animals
ISAE provides a pool of independent experts for governments, international bodies, industry and NGOs
The Society is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SC047974). The charitable purposes of ISAE are the advancement of science, education and animal welfare
Updated May 2018