English Language Help Services


Help for ISAE Members

ISAE has an English grammar and language editing service to help members prepare manuscripts for publication in Applied Animal Behaviour Science and other English-language journals.

ISAE members should send requests for manuscript editing assistance to Dr. Peta Taylor at .

Please include the manuscript title, authors, key words, and a copy of the abstract. The ISAE English editing coordinator will liaise with an ISAE member who has volunteered to help correct the English of your paper. This volunteer should be acknowledged in your paper but will not expect to be included as an author.

If you are an ISAE member interested in serving as a volunteer for this program, please contact Dr. Peta Taylor at  for more information.

To gain access to the help-with-English service, you must be a current member of the ISAE.

For questions about membership, contact the  (isaemembership@hotmail.co.uk). To learn more about applying for membership, follow the link below:

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Elsevier English Language Sevices

If you are not a member of the ISAE, the publisher Elsevier also offers English manuscript-editing services. For more information and price lists, follow the link below:

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There are nearly 700 members worldwide and each year the Society assembles for a major International Congress, where in addition to addresses by special keynote speakers, members present their latest research findings. There are also regular regional conferences held to encourage local knowledge exchange.

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