Heleen van de Weerd

Heleen van de Weerd

  • Procedural Advisor (2018-2022)

Dr Heleen van de Weerd (BSc, PGDip, MSc, PhD, FRSB) is a farm animal welfare consultant who works with clients applying animal welfare knowledge to achieve improvements to animal’s lives as well as business performance. She has more than 25 years of experience in animal behaviour and welfare and has an international reputation for her research and knowledge in this field.

She has conducted both fundamental and applied animal welfare research, especially on pig and poultry production. She has published 31 fully-refereed papers and 61 abstracts and proceedings in the field of animal behaviour and welfare science. Her research has been of direct relevance to UK and EU member state policy makers.

Since 2012, Heleen has worked together with her husband Jon Day, in their Agri-food consultancy business, Cerebrus Associates. They bridge the gap between scientific research and industry and connect their customers with the most relevant and useful research and expertise for their business. Heleen gains a great personal sense of satisfaction when she is able to facilitate improvements in the welfare of animals, but she never loses sight of business performance and is aware of the drivers of the various stakeholders in the field.

Heleen is an assessor on the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare (www.bbfaw.com), a project co-funded by animal welfare NGOs and the investment community. She currently works with World Animal Protection on improving the welfare of pigs on Chinese pig farms.

Heleen has been a member of the ISAE since 2000.


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