58th International Congress


The Congress of The International Society of Applied Ethology (ISAE) will take place in the city of Utrecht, The Netherlands from August 4th to 8th, 2025, at the Utrecht Science Park at Utrecht Veterinary University, Netherland.

The overall theme is ‘Towards a good life for all animals’ and the program will host an exciting mix of plenary speakers, oral presentations, workshops and poster sessions.



Abstract submission is open!



Travel award submission (deadline February 15th)



How to be a good ally at conferences.




Future Congresses

59th International Congress, 2026: India

If you and your research institute are interested in organising an ISAE Congress in future (2027 and beyond), please contact the ISAE Senior Vice-President (currently Mark Rutter, ) for more information. We usually have the ISAE Congress alternate years in and outside Europe, but the guidelines are as flexible as we make them.

In the event of cancellation of a congress (e.g., as a consequence of a disease outbreak or acts of terrorism), the ISAE retains the right (by ‘force majeure’) to keep congress registration fees to cover outstanding expenses, if absolutely necessary.

Apply for Membership

There are nearly 700 members worldwide and each year the Society assembles for a major International Congress, where in addition to addresses by special keynote speakers, members present their latest research findings. There are also regular regional conferences held to encourage local knowledge exchange.

Apply Today

ISAE Regions