Dr. Md Kamrul Hasan

 2nd Jun 2018

I am Md Kamrul Hasan, Assistant Professor, Department of Poultry Science, Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh. I completed Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and MS in Poultry Science from Bangladesh. At present, I am on study leave and about to finish MSc in Animal Sciences at Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands with major thesis about "Development of feather pecking behaviour in high and low feather pecking lines of laying hens" and minor thesis about "Nesting behaviour of broiler breeders". I have a keen interest on animal behaviour and welfare and specially on Poultry behaviour and welfare. I am searching for PhD position and short training program to increase my knowledge in animal behaviour and welfare. In future I want to contribute for ensuring better animal welfare for farm animals in Bangladesh.

Best regards, 
Md Kamrul Hasan
Assistant Professor (Study Leave)
Department of Poultry Science
Faculty of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences
Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh


Website: http://www.sau.ac.bd/departments/faculty_member/142

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