ISAE Creativity Award Winners

Creativity is defined here as the ability to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems or communicating with others.

The award is given to a candidate, who ­- displaying exceptional creativity - has contributed research/a theory/a concept/a method that has had a significant impact of the field of applied ethology.

Pairs or a group of people can be nominated under exceptional circumstances. This could be for a creative joint (ISAE) activity that meets the rest of the criteria.

To be eligible to receive the award, you must be an ISAE member. Information about nomination criteria is available in the members-only section of the website. The call for nominations is emailed to ISAE members annual ahead of the International Congress.

Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.”

Albert Szent-Györgyi (1893-1986)

Prof. Marina von Keyserlingk

Prof. Marina von Keyserlingk

The University of British Columbia,

Georgia Mason

Dr. Georgia Mason

University of Guelph,

Dan Weary

Dr. Daniel Weary

University of British Columbia,

2019 Benjamin Hart

Dr. Benjamin Hart

University of California,

Per Jensen

Dr. Per Jensen

Linköping University,

Françoise Wemelsfelder

Dr. Françoise Wemelsfelder

SRUC, Edinburgh,
United Kingdom

Hanno Wurbel

Dr. Hanno Würbel 

Professor of Animal Welfare
University of Bern,

Ruth Newberry

Dr. Ruth Newberry 

Professor of Ethology
Norwegian University of
Life Sciences, Norway

Liz Mike

Drs. Liz Paul and
Mike Mendl (2013)

University of Bristol,
United Kingdom

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There are nearly 700 members worldwide and each year the Society assembles for a major International Congress, where in addition to addresses by special keynote speakers, members present their latest research findings. There are also regular regional conferences held to encourage local knowledge exchange.

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